Aðferð: Stigalykkjuprjón

Stigalykkjuprjón (Ladder back jacquard á ensku) er leið til þess að takast á við löng [...]

Postcards from the Spring Knitting Retreat 2024

The Spring knitting tour is a favourite of mine because of all the cute little [...]

Spring sale, last day tomorrow!

Spring sale! LAST DAY TOMORROW! 15% off with the code SUMMER2024 on my website and [...]

Fögnúm mosanum!

Á morgun, 9. febrúar, kemur út ný bók eftir mér: Field Guide 26: Moss frá MDK [...]

Postcards from Knitting on ice 2022

Still catching up with the recap of my knitting tours: this is the last one [...]

Postcards from the Autumn Knitting retreat 2022

From the Autumn Knitting retreat last year, I mosty remember the vivid and moody colors… [...]

Prjónagleði 2023

I spent the week-end in Blönduós (North west of Iceland) where I was attempting Prjónagleði [...]

Postcards from the Authentic Iceland hiking and knitting tour 2022

Just realising I´ve been really bad at posting recaps from my tours from last autum/winter… [...]

Correspondence tables: Knitting plötulopi and Love Story together instead of Léttlopi or Álafosslopi

Many of my patterns are using a blend of plötulopi and Love Story together for [...]

Vor útsala

Vor útsalan er hafin. Þú færð 15% afslátt af öllum vörum (garn, bækur, sokkatré, uppskriftir [...]

Icelandic Yarn Club 4 – 2 pattern reveals , 2 more to go

My popular annuel Icelandic yarn club, the 4th edition is now well undergo. The aim [...]

In the footsteps of the Vikings: winter escape in Normandy

Last week, I spent a few days in Normandie where I have family on my [...]

Postcards from the Hiking and knitting tour between fire and ice 2022

The Hiking and knitting between Fire and ice tour this year hosted a few familiar [...]


Nýlega, ákvað ég að flytja lagerinn minn til Evrópu og héðan frá verða allar pakkarnir [...]

Postcards from the Hiking and knitting tour under the midnight sun 2022

It was such a joy to come again to this amazing valley after the covid [...]

Postcards from the Hiking and Knitting tour with the puffins 2022

I had planned this fabulous tour before covid but then…that was the first time I [...]

Postcards from the Spring knitting tour in Icelandic nature 2022

After two years break (covid…), it was so good to visit those places again with [...]

Winter escape

Six days ago, I posted on my instagram the picture below with the comment: Instagram [...]

Maja cardigan: the full story and the sleeves charts

Scroll down for the Sleeves Charts. You will also find useful links at the end [...]

Postcards from the Hiking and knitting tour between Fire and Ice 2021

Hiking and knitting between fire and ice was my very first tour after 2 years [...]

Velkomin Heiða !

Gleði fréttir loksins:  ég réð mér aðstoðar manneskju og því munu hlutirnir fljótlega komast í [...]

Kristylopi samprjón

Ekki missa af Kristylopi-samprjóninu sem hefst 29. janúar 2021 og verður haldið á facebook grúppuni minni. Kennskumyndbönd (á ensku) [...]

Learn how to knit the Icelandic way!

A couple of weeks ago, I teamed up with Iceland Naturally to bring you a [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Dýjamosi

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í klúbbinn [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Mosi

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í klúbbinn [...]

Red and black current

Honestly, I don´t know how I would manage without the dolls… They are so helpful! [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Vestfirskir

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í klúbbinn [...]

Hverning geturðu sótt PDFs

Vissir þú að þegar þú kaupir uppskrift á prjonakerling.is þá verða PDF skjölin þín geymd [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Skrefbót

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í klúbbinn [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Elín

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í [...]

Aðferð: totuhæll

Hæll, þumall. vasa, aðferðin er alveg eins. Sjáðu einnig undir hverning aðferðin virkar með tvíbandaprjóni. [...]

Pestó Olivíu

Aaah, pestó Olivíu … heima erum við öll alveg brjáluð út í það! Leyndarmálið hennar? [...]

Ný prjónabók! Og klúbbur!

Mikið er 2020 sérkennilegt en ég fékk svo örlitið meiri tíma og skrifaði… prjónabók! Og [...]

Brynja makes blueberry jam

I went to pick up blue berries the other day. They are delicious! Then Brynja [...]

Sex style and giveaway

Did you know that you could wear you Sex sweater with clothes on? Here are [...]

My trip to the Westfjords (part 6): Veiðistafur, new pattern

And finally here is the 6th and last part of my wee trip to the [...]

How to name a sweater: sex

Thank you so much for the warm welcome to my new sweater design. Or like [...]

My trip to the Westfjords (part 5): Fimmvörðuháls

This is already the 5th part of my little trip to the Westfjords, where I [...]

My trip in the Westfjords (part 4): Skakki

Here is part 4 of my little trip to the Westfjords, shared with you through [...]

My trip in the Westfjords (part 3): Fína Hyrna

Today is part 3 of my wee trip to the Westfjords and the handknit featured [...]