Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring sale, last day tomorrow!

Spring sale! LAST DAY TOMORROW! 15% off with the code SUMMER2024 on my website and [...]

Fögnúm mosanum!

Á morgun, 9. febrúar, kemur út ný bók eftir mér: Field Guide 26: Moss frá MDK [...]

Postcards from the Authentic Iceland hiking and knitting tour 2022

Just realising I´ve been really bad at posting recaps from my tours from last autum/winter… [...]

Kristylopi samprjón

Ekki missa af Kristylopi-samprjóninu sem hefst 29. janúar 2021 og verður haldið á facebook grúppuni minni. Kennskumyndbönd (á ensku) [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Mosi

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í klúbbinn [...]

Hverning geturðu sótt PDFs

Vissir þú að þegar þú kaupir uppskrift á þá verða PDF skjölin þín geymd [...]

Sokkar frá Íslandi: Elín

Bókin Sokkar frá Íslandi kemur út í formi klúbbs alla fimmtudaga. Þú getur gengið í [...]

The colors of the Icelandic spring

A couple of weeks ago, the first Lóa, the golden plover, was spotted in Iceland. [...]

Birthday sale 51 % off: can you guess my age?

Today, April 10th, is my birthday! 10 fun facts about me: I hate coffee, liquorice [...]

Rigning á föstudag

Í gær var grátt og sleppt frekar en svart. Jólin eru að koma. Eins og [...]

Hver er munirinn á þvi…

Veistu hver munirinn er á þvi að fara á fjallaskiði og prjóna lopapeysu? Enginn munnur! [...]

Uppspuni: a minimill in Iceland!

I’m so happy! We’re finally going to have a minimill in Iceland! And you can [...]

What my knitting bag says about me

The past months have been quite busy and it doesn’t just reflect on my neglected [...]

Postcards from our Knitting in the enchanting North tour 2014

Here are pictures from our Knitting in the enchanting North tour 2014: I’m not sure how I managed that [...]

Postcards 2013 from the Hiking and knitting between Fire and Ice holiday

Cartes postales du tricot-trek entre Feu et Glace 2013 A fabulous group of knitters ! [...]

Postcards from our Knitting in the North of Iceland: traditions and Textile Museum

Cartes postales de notre voyage de tricot au Nord de l’Islande: traditions et Musée textile [...]

Postcards from our Hiking and Knitting tour with the Elves, Iceland

Cartes postales de notre Tricot-treck au pays des Elfes, Islande Landscapes… Paysages…       [...]

More knitting surgery….

Plus de chirurgie tricotesque…     Remember the amputation of the Olga sweater? Well, after a nasty [...]


Chirurgie My middle daughter keeps “nagging” her left handed sleeves… I had to “amputate” her [...]

Knitting tour in Iceland – Tricot-treck en Islande

  Knitting treck in Iceland A few pictures very quickly from the Knitting and hiking tour [...]

Icelandic knitting -Tutorial: centre-pull ball on your thumb

Petite leçon: une pelote avec dévidage central “sur le pouce”   This method doesn´t require [...]