The Spring knitting tour is a favourite of mine because of all the cute little lambs and kids. We were not disapointed during this tour! The youngest Icelandic knitting tradition is the thema of this tour and we all completed a little lopi sweater (except me!! I was working on an adult one 😉 During the tour, we knitted a little lopi sweater and learned all the techniques to make them, steeking, shaping and finishing included! The food was… amazing even if I say so!
Here are some pictures where you will recognise a lot of my designs. Look for the links at the end of this post!
You will recognize K from previous tours (with the Puffins in 2022 and 2023!! She´s an ornithologist)!
This is a selfie activated by my smile😂
Natural hot spring and the biggest in Europe
Color inspiration: I can never get enough of this place! The blue and the green water!
Cuteness overload
And the queen in her sofa! 😂
A little excursion for some of us! What a view!
Followed by a rest in the hot tub (except the one below was not part of our tour but very friendly😂)
We did it again and knitted a little lopi sweater in a day!
You will recognize K again and J on her right who came in the Puffins tour 2023.
Turf farms, made for the Icelandic climate!
We had it just for us!
More cuteness overload: cashmere goats
And on mother´s day (in Iceland and the US) more mothers and childs!
The funniest of all!
The triplets with their Útivist sweater!
You will also recognized F. (from the Authentic Icelandic tour 2022) who came again together with M.
Of course, we finished, steeked and all, our little lopi sweaters
More hand dyed yarns
We also visited Ístex scouring and spinning mill and followed the whole processed, from washing the wool to the finished skeins!
Light grey and brown getting reading for combing
Thank you to F. for her fabulous speech about her mini-mill, M. for explaining in details but simple words the whole dyeing process, K. for her amazing (and hilarious) stories about birds behaviour, our hosts for the splendid food and all the group for a wonderful week!
Links to patterns/kits
- Gamaldags (knitted with Léttlopi – some colors long discontinued)
- Gamallegur sweater (multicolor, knitted with Léttlopi)
- Útivist sweater (knitted with Einrúm L and Léttlopi)
- Frjókorn (in red and grey: plötulopi and Love Story together)
- Töfra hat (knitted with Katla hand dyed green)
- Erica mittens (multicolors, using my left overs Léttlopi)
- Hálfmáni (in red Ístex plötulopi, all sorts of left overs, and knitted with bigger needles than the pattern calls for)
- Guðrún the doll: doll pattern is Theodóra (only the colors change)
Frjókorn red qrf Töfra hat, Erica mittens and Hálfmáni shawl rpt Útivisr rhdr