Myndirnar frá Vor prjónaferðinu 2017

The tours for 2018 are already opened for booking and I’m quite late sharing pictures of the tours this year… but here they are finally!

The first tour of 2017, the Spring Knitting Retreat in Icelandic Nature, was made of lovely spring colors…

(This is Melrós shawl)

Colorful yarns…

Good food and colorful lopi sweaters…

(Above is Mary’s stunning Gamaldags and under is my Kristin knitted with Gilitrutt)

Nice shawls… Margrét knitted with Love Story was feeling at ease at the Turf farm and at the Textile Museum…

(Love Story is just as fine as the handpsun thel yarn used in the original shawl in the Museum! Happy dance!)

Friendly sheep…

…or not….

Confy goats and cute lambs…

And most important, amazing people (some had already come in a tour with me!). Cheers to you all!

The end!