Ferðaskór hennar Ash

Her er ég að fjalla um bókina hennar Ash Alberg, Ferðaskór. Hún fékk inblastur fyrir flíkur í bokinni á Íslandi og myndaði þær á staðnum. Bókin er eingöngu til á ensku, og held ég þes vegna áfram að tala um hana á ensku!

Last summer, I had the pleasure to meet with the utterly charming Ash Alberg of Sunflower Knit.

ash alberg is a queer femme and fibre witch who seeks to create beautiful and practical designs using sustainable methods. equally importantly, they seek to nurture the skills, knowledge, and creativity of fellow fibre witches to achieve their goals.

She was in Iceland to shoot her upcoming book, Ferðaskór (travelling shoes), and conducted a few interviews with a few local designers and crafters og whom I was. We met at my studio where her photographer friend Samson took absolutely gorgeous pictures.

Would have I known, I may have dressed a bit more appropriately (I was reorganising the lager, hence the broken nails, the paint in the hair and the dusty holey clothes…)!

Then the book came out and I was really excited to get a copy.

The Canadian post decided however that I would have to be patient, very patient, extremely extremely patient… and it took many many months for it to travel Winnipeg to Reykjavík (with a very long stop in Québec apparently??) into my hands. Ash of course had been publishing pictures of the designs on her social medias and on Ravelry, so I knew what to expect.

What I didn’t expect however, especially from a self published book by such a relatively new designer, was the quality of the book itself…

…the amazing photography by Samson Learn of course…

… but also the thoughtful layout and careful choice of fonts mixed with Ash’s handwriting…


…the delicious drawings by Caitlin Huntler (from Boylandknitworks)…

… the interesting pattern writing …

Oh, and the interview with me is there too!

You can order the paper book here on Ash’s website. The single patterns and ebook are also available on Ravelry, here, but honestly, the paper copy is worth it (and it should normally only take max a couple of weeks!). Here you can flip through the book with me:

[fvplayer src=”https://icelandicknitter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_9471.mov” width=”1080″ height=”1920″]

Hope you liked it!

If you want to get to know a bit more about this interesting designer, after just a few days, on May 2nd, Ash will go live on A Playful Day podcast with Kate O’Sullivan. Here is the link to the live interview